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Pope Francis confides in a book published Friday, April 1, and ititled “Of the poor to the pope, from the pope to the world”. Alban journalist Mikoczyduplex from Rome, Italy, explains what this book contains.
This is the event book of Pope Francis which comes out on Friday April 1st. In his story, the Pope looks back on his youth and his musical tastes, but not only. He also recounts having had a fiancée before returning to the seminary. “They did science studies together and on Saturdays they went tango dancing. Then the pope entered a church, he had the vocation”says the journalist Alban Mikoczyduplex from Rome (Italy). His fiancée, Amalia, was then very sad, as she says again today, because this one is still alive.
“The Pope gives two pieces of advice to priests. He says to them: ‘if you accept, you have to leave everything, that means going back to order, leaving a possible young woman and also don’t be interested in money, if you want to be rich, do another job”explains Alban Mikoczy.