25 gendarmes mobilized as well as a sniffer dog. It is a vast operation which was carried out this Thursday evening by the departmental squadron of road safety of Vendée, the EDSR. Between 9 p.m. and 11 p.m. all cars and trucks coming fromA 87 on arrival at The rock on yon were checked at the toll gate. The road traffic being relatively calm, the gendarmes did not carry out a huge dragnet. But “ono obligation to occupy the land -explains Commander Stéphane Lourdais who heads the Vendée EDSR – whether it is to fight against road insecurity or delinquency in general. This makes it possible to reassure the user who wishes to circulate in safety, and to create a feeling of insecurity in the offender”.
– Yves-Rene Tapon
We have an obligation to occupy the land. Commander Stéphane Lourdais
Results: 3 tests positive for cannabis, one positive for heroin – the driver had to leave his car – 3 speeding tickets, one at 164 km/h instead of 130. HGV drivers were also checked, one in violation of the labor code and rest time, the other for overloading.“We never leave without noticing violations” notes Commander Lourdais, promising other regular checks, particularly on the Vendée coast.