Her singular voice and her universe conquered the jury of the French-speaking competition of Le Mans Pop Festival, and the public of the Palais des Congrès. On March 27, Vaslo won the first prize as well as the France Bleu Maine favorite prize.
Music from an early age
From his real name Valentin Gilbert, Vaslo was immersed in music very early on. At only 7 years old, he entered the Conservatory, choosing the clarinet as his favorite instrument. It was much later, at the age of 27, that he discovered his voice, the guitar and his passion for composition.
Lulled by the texts of Jacques Brel and the voice of Jeff Buckley, he released a first EP entitled “Réveil” in 2017. Already at the time, his work was distinguished by the Jacques Brel Prize Competition. At the same time, he goes to the bedside of sick children at the Necker Hospital in Paris to offer them a musical parenthesis. It still continues today.
In 2019, he tackled the preparation of his first album “A travers les regards” whose release scheduled for 2020 was finally postponed a year later, due to the pandemic.
Next July, Vaslo will enter the studio again to record a 6-track mini-album that you can discover in January 2023. We should find the clarinet he loves so much on some tracks.
– David Desreumaux
A singular universe
His musical universe oscillates between festive and melancholic sounds, all supported by very poetic texts. The charm also works thanks to her intense, powerful but also restrained voice.
Another peculiarity of the singer: the importance of silences in his songs. “I’m very fond of silences in music because through them, we can still say a lot” explains Vaslo.
To discover Vaslo on stage, meet on July 2, 2022 in Saint-Martin-des-Monts near Le Mans.