Variant Omicron | The FSSS-CSN demands that its workers be better protected

Faced with the meteoric rise in cases, the FSSS-CSN asks the CNESST that all workers in the health, social services and educational daycare sectors be equipped with N-95 type masks, that pregnant people be removed. environments at risk and that staff movements are avoided.

Alice Girard-Bossé

Alice Girard-Bossé

During a meeting held on Thursday morning, the FSSS-CSN asked the CNESST to intervene urgently so that their workers are safe despite the meteoric rise in cases.

The union organization asks the CNESST that all staff be provided with an N-95 type mask or an equivalent.

She also demands that pregnant workers be immediately removed from environments at risk of exposure to COVID-19.

In addition, the organization wants work teams to be stabilized and staff movements to be avoided.

“We expect movement very quickly from the CNESST, which must not compromise with the health of staff and ensure the application of the precautionary principle,” said Réjean Leclerc, president of the FSSS- CSN, by press release.

The union also expressed “its deep concerns” regarding the recall to work of infected people, as well as the current difficulties in tracing and screening cases.

“Calling people infected with COVID-19 to work is playing with fire. We saw what it gave during the first waves. This not only endangers the members of the work teams, but also the population, ”said Mr. Leclerc.

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