The latest news is not encouraging, uncertainty still looms and the Omicron variant is playing the spoilsport. How to keep morale up under these circumstances?
In particular, by stopping talking about the return to normalcy. “We do not help each other by saying that, because it is a perpetual disappointment,” notes psychologist Geneviève Beaulieu-Pelletier, associate professor at the University of Quebec in Montreal. “And let’s not forget that a lot of people had hectic pace of life before the pandemic and weren’t that happy. We can speak of a new normal. Let’s take this moment to define a new enjoyable everyday life. ”
Psychologist and speaker Rose-Marie Charest agrees. She believes that we should focus on living the current period as best we can. “We were walking on a solid sidewalk, but now we’re in the sand. It’s more fluid, ”she illustrates.
To please yourself
“We must recognize that the changes of course, the restrictions that come and go, it’s difficult, but it is our current reality, launches Rose-Marie Charest. Then you have to ask yourself the following question: what can I do, under the circumstances, to lead a pleasant life made up of small pleasures? ”
The psychologist insists on the fact that you have to take the time to have fun.

Rose-Marie Charest, psychologist and speaker
We can make a list of everything that would please us in the current framework. And you know, supporting others feels good too! The degree of resilience is higher in people who exert their kindness on others, and together we are more likely to keep morale up.
Rose-Marie Charest, psychologist and speaker
“Indulging in small pleasures on a daily basis has a real impact on our mood, and our level of anxiety will drop. You can, for example, put on very loud music, dance and let yourself go for a few minutes! We can also go for a walk, move, go outside, play sports or cook if that makes us feel good, or even watch a good movie, ”explains Geneviève Beaulieu-Pelletier.

Geneviève Beaulieu-Pelletier, associate professor at the University of Quebec in Montreal
She sees many people in consultation who say they are discouraged, helpless and very concerned, because this setback is a difficult backlash.
“Having projects is motivating, it makes us move forward, so it’s good to continue to do, but more realistic, says the psychologist. We must revise our objectives, have alternatives, because the reality is frustrating for everyone, but we must mobilize. She recalls that resilience is being able to get through times of adversity. We can also use these moments to refocus on fundamental things, surround ourselves with people we love, no longer impose obligations on ourselves. “We need to see people, it’s a basic human need, this connection with others, but who do we want to see? ”
Be flexible
And for people who like to plan everything, to keep morale up, you’re going to have to be flexible. “Planning, as we know, reassures many people, it is a safety tool, but you have to learn to live a little more unexpectedly”, advises Rose-Marie Charest.
The people who make the best trips are those who leave room for spontaneity and last-minute changes. We have to live our life a bit like a journey in which there will be the unexpected and be able to make the most of certain situations!
Rose-Marie Charest, psychologist and speaker
The two psychologists point out that it is important to talk to your family or those around you at all times about what you are feeling. “Everyone is affected at the same time in a very emotional period, that of the end of the year holidays. Whether we like Christmas or not, it’s an emotional time, ”says Rose-Marie Charest.
“And let’s not forget the good rules of hygiene of life such as that of sleeping well, because having a good night’s sleep, it can make a big difference in our mood, just like infusing small doses of pleasure, it feeds our well-being, ”concludes Geneviève Beaulieu-Pelletier.
Call to all
Is the threat of the Omicron variant, the return to telecommuting, and the uncertainty surrounding holiday gatherings affecting your morale? How are you dealing with this backlash?