Variant Omicron | Experts call for urgent measures in Germany

(Berlin) The group of experts advising the German government sounded the alarm on Sunday against the spread of the Omicron variant and called for further reductions in contact with the population “as soon as possible”.

“If the spread of the Omicron variant in Germany were to continue in this way, a significant part of the population would simultaneously fall ill and / or be quarantined”, write the experts in particular in their report, with a high risk of disturbances in the operation of “critical infrastructure” (hospitals, security, emergency services, telecommunications, electricity and water supply).

The 19 experts do not detail the necessary measures and do not mention containment.

They are in favor of “strong reductions in contacts” within the population, a measure to be taken “as soon as possible”, in “the days to come”.

Omicron is bringing the pandemic into “a new dimension”, they explain, because it “infects many more people in a very short time and affects more people who are cured and vaccinated”.

This can lead to “explosive spread”: The assumed doubling time of variant incidence in Germany is currently “in the range of two to four days,” according to the report.

“The protection of critical infrastructure in our country requires full and immediate preparation”, urge the experts.

At the same time, Health Minister Karl Lauterbach on Sunday ruled out a lockdown “before Christmas” of the type established in the Netherlands, also deeming this measure unlikely after the Holidays.

Many restrictions already apply in Germany relating mainly to non-vaccinated people who are prohibited from entering most public places.

Germany has been affected since the beginning of autumn by a virulent resumption of the epidemic linked to the Delta variant. The number of new cases has declined slightly since the return to many restrictions but the level of contamination remains high, with between 30,000 and 50,000 additional cases every 24 hours.

The rate of complete vaccination in Germany, still considered insufficient, reached 70% of the total population this week.

The Minister of Health had said Friday to prepare for a “massive wave” linked to the Omicron variant.

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