Variant Omicron | Dr. Tam calls on Canadians to reduce their contact

(Ottawa) The Public Health Agency of Canada urges all Canadians to reduce their contact as much as possible in order to slow the large outbreak of the Omicron variant of COVID-19.

In her most recent statement, the Chief Public Health Officer, Dr.D Theresa Tam reports that in the most recent seven-day period of December 23-29, an average of 25,332 new cases of COVID-19 were reported nationwide, a 141% increase from the week former.

The DD Tam assures us that community transmission of the Omicron variant continues in many parts of Canada and that he is rapidly dethroning Delta as the dominant variant. In his view, the local situation can get out of hand very quickly and heightened vigilance is needed across Canada, now and in the weeks to come.

The latest provincial and territorial data shows that an average of 1,892 people with COVID-19 were treated each day in hospital settings from December 23 to 29, a 23% increase from the previous week. This includes an average of 476 people in intensive care, a 3.7% increase from the previous week, and an average of 22 deaths reported each day, from December 23 to 29.

As of Wednesday, provinces and territories have administered more than 67 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine. The latest provincial and territorial data indicate that over 82% of the population has received at least one dose of the vaccine and that over 76% are fully immunized. Likewise, more than 6.5 million people have received a third dose of the vaccine.

In her statement, Theresa Tam also emphasizes the need for Canadians to take care of their mental health. She recalls that many of them reported heightened feelings of loneliness and a deterioration in their mental health during the pandemic.

The DD One of the things Tam suggests is communicating with a friend or family member to talk about difficult emotions. She notes that while virtual means of connection aren’t a substitute for time spent in person with loved ones, they can help reduce loneliness and build and strengthen relationships during this time.

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