Vanessa Paradis in cold with a famous animator? No way to talk about her!

Vanessa Paradis knew how to steer her boat, or rather her car, on the highway of musical artists by becoming the interpreter of the mythical tube Joe the cab in 1987. Thanks to this song, her talent was not only exported abroad but was also confirmed in France, after eleven weeks spent number 1 in the top 50. At 14, Vanessa Paradis saw her career mapped out. In any case, the world of show business has no trouble thinking so. Singers, composers, stars of the small screen, the opinions are unanimous: the young woman will go very far. Everyone thinks so, except one.

In the 1980s and 1990s, Pascal Sevran was one of the TV stars who obviously had a little trouble with the meteoric rise of Vanessa Paradis. A fact confirmed by Arthur in 30 years of cult shows, broadcast on TF1 on June 11. The companion of Mareva Galanter looks back on this meeting which changed his life and on the animosity he had against her: “He had two requirements: he had to always have rosé in the fridge and that we never talk about Vanessa Paradis.”

In 1987, Pascal Sevran finds himself confronted with Vanessa Paradis on the set of a program presented by Michel Denisot. Against all odds, he confesses one thing to her: his uncertainty about the future she may have in the song. “When I hear you sing, well rather, when your voice reaches my ear, I have some concerns about your future. And I wonder if you’ve given serious thought to what job you’re going to be able to do when you leave school…“If he thought he would not have a respondent against him, Pascal Sevran was wrong.

Vanessa Paradis, jaded, then turned to Michel Denisot to answer: “If I have to ask myself questions about what I’m going to do, he should have asked myself long before. I don’t know what to answer him, me, Pascal Navrant…” Suffice to say that the one who presented many programs around music quickly became disillusioned, to the point of never wanting to cross paths with the young artist again. Between them, the Divine Idyll was quite impossible.

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