Vanessa Demouy and her children Sharlie and Solal: she keeps her cool in the face of the galleys

Not everyone has the opportunity to have drivers galore to take children to see their friends, to activities or even to school. Vanessa Demouy knows it well. Herself a mother of two children, Solal, 18, and Sharlie, 10, the 49-year-old actress does not have ten nannies at her service to take care of her offspring. When she has free time, the star ofHere it all starts devotes herself entirely to her role as a mother. And as with all parents, it’s not just the hugs and the moments of respite that she enjoys.

In her Instagram story (see slideshow) of this Wednesday, April 13, Vanessa Demouy indicated that having their mother nearby was a boon for Solal and Sharlie. Sitting in her car, the actress revealed what her daily life looked like when the children, the fruits of her marriage to Philippe Lellouche, are with her. And obviously, if she thinks of a reconversion, the latter is already found: “Children’s Day… Mom taxi… Mom patience.“Despite running from right to left, Vanessa Demouy keeps her cool and even displays a smiling face that says a lot about her tolerance threshold.

How did Solal and Sharlie experience the divorce?

Patience and understanding, Solal and Sharlie must have needed a lot from their parents over the past few years. In 2017, after 16 years of living together and the birth of their son and their daughter, Vanessa Demouy and Philippe Lellouche announced their separation. A breakup in which the children were not left out: “We preferred to talk to them, to tell them the truth. Their reaction was quite mature. I have the impression that they have taken the plunge well, even if we won’t really know for a few years. I made sure that they meet a shrink once or twice, so that they can express themselves freely“revealed the actress in the pages of Gala.

As for the reason that prompted Philippe Lellouche and Vanessa Demouy to initiate divorce proceedings, infidelity leaves little room for doubt. “As I had not married to divorce one day, as I fought for a long time so that my couple resists, it was not easy to live, she let know. It takes two to want. When one of the two renounces, it is necessary to decide cleanly. (…) I don’t know any woman who lightheartedly accepts not having the exclusivity of her husband…“An evil for a good since the actress has since found love.

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