Vandalism at the Montreal office of Immigration Minister Marc Miller

Several graffiti calling Immigration Minister Marc Miller a “child killer” were written on the sidewalk in front of his Montreal constituency office, in the Sud-Ouest borough. During the night from Wednesday to Thursday, the windows of the establishment were also smashed and pink paint was sprayed.

“We live in a democratic country. Every individual has every right to demonstrate, express their opinions and make their discontent heard. However, regardless of the point of view, nothing can excuse vandalism and endangering others,” reacted MP Marc Miller on X.

The Montreal Police Department (SPVM) was notified around 6:30 a.m. Thursday morning of several misdeeds committed on the building. “We’re talking about major damage,” said SPVM spokesperson Sabrina Gauthier.

According to the minister, this is not the first incident that has targeted him. “For months, my county office has been threatened daily. We have done our best to take adequate precautionary measures in order to serve our fellow citizens who need our services,” Miller also wrote, still on the X network.

Investigators were still on the scene as of this writing, but no arrests have been made at this time.

More details will follow.

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