Valérie Trierweiler, the one who stole François Hollande from Ségolène Royal?

In the book The Invisibles of the Elysee (Les Presses de la Cité), Emery Doligé recounts those who work behind the scenes of the presidential palace, while Sacha Goldberger immortalized them with his camera. These people in the shadows, they are 800 and have constantly rubbed shoulders with Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron in their daily lives. The magazine Gala took an interest in this work and extracted some tasty moments from it, such as the role of the correspondence manager for many years, Christine Lalhollande. Present for a long time, she was thus able to see the Elysée evolve according to society. This is how she remembers the first ladies of the previous five years, and in particular Valérie Trierweiler.

The generation of modern first ladies of France, beginning with Nicolas Sarkozy’s tenure and his marriage to Carla Bruni in 2008, marks a shift in the style of lettering that the Elysée and the offices of the first lady receive. “Today, we often receive letters where Emmanuel Macron is considered a friend to whom we can say everything and in any tone. Even with regard to the first lady, things have changed. (…) It was against Valérie Trierweiler that the French were the most upset. They considered that she had stolen François Hollande from Ségolène Royal“, we read in The Invisibles of the Elysée.

The official separation between François Hollande and Ségolène Royal takes place in the month of June 2007, shortly after the presidential elections and the defeat of the former minister. In his book Behind the scenes of a defeatthe mother of Thomas, Elise, Julien and Flora explained: “I asked François Hollande to leave home, to live his sentimental story on his side, now spread in books and newspapers, and I wished him to be happy.” Point specifies that the couple of the former president and the journalist would go back to at least 2004. When in 2010, lovers appeared on the cover of Paris Match together, they are obviously not unanimous, part of the opinion therefore accusing Valérie Trierweiler of having broken up a family of 4 children.

Five years after their official separation, the one who was shortly after to be elected head of state appears for the first time in public alongside the mother of his four children during a big meeting in April 2012 in Rennes. An image that the whole left expects apart from Valérie Trierweiler. At the sight of her man with her ex-girlfriend, the journalist is at rock bottom. “I hit rock bottom, devastated. François and I will never form a recognized couple“, says the writer in her famous book Thank you for this moment. An analysis accredited unfortunately for her by the look that a part of the French and French women have for her. Four years later, it was the journalist who suffered the wrath of a highly publicized break with the Julie Gayet affair and the photos unveiled in Closer. It’s her turn to be the injured woman and to tilt hearts in her favor. Since 2018, Leonard Trierweiler’s mother has been in a relationship with rugby consultant Romain Magellan.

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