Valérie Trierweiler explains why she wanted Ségolène Royal to be defeated in the presidential election!

If the political career of François Hollande was marked by his accession to the post of head of state in 2012, his rise and in a way his fall were also unraveled by the seams of the stories of petticoats. In 2014, the scooter, the scoop, the mistress and the dismissed companion, everything was said about the adultery committed by the President of the Republic then in office at the Élysée. But if the latter broke the heart of Valérie Trierweiler, the former first secretary of the Socialist Party was not on his trial run. The first stroke of the penknife in the marital contract had already been given long before his accession to the highest functions of the State.

In a relationship with Ségolène Royal officially for more than 20 years, François Hollande had succumbed to the charm of his future companion Valérie Trierweiler when the latter followed her career for Pais Match. And if between these two, the liaison was intended to be secret, the All-Paris and Ségolène Royal herself had few illusions about the loyalty of the future President of the Republic. If the break between the couple was formalized after the defeat of the mother of Thomas Hollande in 2007, it was a long time since their union took on water. It is also for this reason that the defeat of the socialist candidate against Nicolas Sarkozy was good for Valérie Trierweiler, then mistress of François Hollande.

Tuesday March 8, 2022, in Les Grosses Têtes on RTL, Laurent Ruquier proposed to his members to find the name of the candidate who came last in the first round of the 2007 presidential election. The opportunity for the former First Lady to swing: “I remember it well… I was hiding!“And to add in front of the interrogation of his colleagues:”If Ségolène had won I would have been sent to the salt mine!

See also: Tom, the youngest child of Jean-Pierre Pernaut, lets loose in the middle of the ceremony!

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