Valérie Pécresse wants to focus on the debt

Heavyweights of the Republicans, worried, make the same observation as François Villeroy de Galhau, Wednesday on franceinfo, about the debt. “115% of GDP is too high a level”, indicated the Governor of the Banque de France.

“France will become a systemic risk for the euro and for Europe”, alarmed even a great right-wing elected official, who recognizes that the subject is not “not easy to make the French feel”. Because talking about public finances can quickly become indigestible. The Pécresse team is therefore looking for the words to get out of the technicality and politicize the issue as much as possible. This gave two formulas during the primary: “burn the cash register” and “With Macron, the addition is after the election.”

The idea will come back, more simply hammered: Emmanuel Macron “will mechanically increase taxes” if he is re-elected, to fill the “hole he helped dig”. The Republicans hope to impose the idea that opposite, Valérie Pécresse, she will improve financial ratios by reducing public spending, via structural reforms which Macron gave up well before the health crisis. This is the other slogan: “The lady of doing”.

“The goal, explains an adviser, it is to break the image of Macron as a reformer or a good manager.” And to send another signal to this right-wing electorate which, in 2017, was able to be convinced by Emmanuel Macron.

“The subject is also the efficiency of public spending, says a senator. With high expenses, France nevertheless sees the medical deserts spreading, the quality of its education deteriorating if we are to believe the Pisa ranking..“Countries that spend less than us are countries where there is less unemployment and less poverty., laments a tenor. The idea that efficiency is measured by the amount of money injected, you have to kill it”.

The offensive is launched this Thursday with a titled press conference “Emmanuel Macron’s bankruptcy filing.” Conference led by the spokespersons of Pécresse, “because our role, said one of them, is to hit Macron, her role is to stay focused on the proposals and the solutions.”

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