Valérie Pécresse rises in the polls, the left still lagging behind


France 3

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New indications for the presidential election. Since her designation as LR candidate, Valérie Pécresse appears to be an opponent to be taken seriously against Emmanuel Macron. Journalist Cyril Graziani looks back on these recent data on the 19/20 plateau.

A victory for the LR from which it is still reaping the benefits. After her designation as an LR candidate in the presidential election on Saturday, December 4, Valérie Pécresse won four points in the polls relating to the voting intentions of the French in the first round. “She joined in second place Marine Le Pen. The two women are tied, with 16% each, two points ahead of Eric Zemmour”, details Cyril Graziani on the set of 19/20 of France 3. Emmanuel Macron, he still remains very high in the polls: he recovers for the moment 25% of the voting intentions in the first round.

Another observation made by the journalist: none of the declared left candidates exceeds 10%. Arnaud Montebourg announced this Wednesday, December 8 that he would stand as a candidate to represent the left if all the parties unite, just like Anne Hidalgo. So far, the project is not winning all the favor. “But in recent days, a name has come back in the race, that of Christiane Taubira; in recent days she has called candidates on the left to ask them to pull themselves together in the face of the push from the far right”, relates the journalist.

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