Valérie Pécresse relaunches a call for donations after collecting two million euros

A first appeal, launched the day after the first round, made it possible to collect “two million euros”, according to the ex-candidate LR.

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Valérie Pécresse relaunched a call for donations, Monday, April 25, after having collected two million euros, to fill the hole of 5 million left by her crushing defeat in the first round of the presidential election. A first call, launched the day after the first round, “allowed us to raise two million euros”says the ex-candidate Les Républicains in a video message posted on social networks.

“But we are still a long way off. This is why I am relaunching my appeal for donations”she adds, invoking “those who share (his) convictions” but also those who, “for fear of extremes have chosen the useful vote from the first round”.

Valérie Pécresse had collected only 4.78% of the votes in the first round of the presidential election, under the 5% necessary to obtain reimbursement of her campaign expenses, for which she “personally indebted to the tune of five million euros”.

Assuring, moreover, that its commitment “remain intact”she invites Emmanuel Macron “not to be mistaken about its success” because “for many French people, it was not a vote of membership but a vote by default”. “This disillusioned vote and the power of the extremes constitute a great risk for France”she adds.

“On the occasion of the next legislative elections, let’s not divide ourselves. Let’s not sell off our convictions”adds Valérie Pécresse according to who he is “vital that the Republican right is alive and influential”.

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