Valérie Pecresse refuses to sit down opposite Anne-Claire Coudray and Gilles Bouleau!

This Monday, March 14, 2022, eight presidential candidates were invited to TF1 to participate in France in the face of war. Anne-Claire Coudray and Gilles Bouleau were able to ask the same questions to the guests to compare their answers. Besides, Marine Le Pen made a remarkable appearance there whether for his style of dress or his choices such as the desire to lower taxes or VAT on fuel but also to exempt “all young people under 30 from income tax”.

Just after Marine Le Pen, it was the turn of Valérie Pécresse. Only here, the candidate has also been singled out on the Web. The reason ? The candidate refused to sit down opposite Anne-Claire Coudray and Gilles Bouleau. In addition, she quickly went on to criticize Emmanuel Macron’s method since she quickly swung: “We can’t rewrite history and we can’t be certain about what would have happened, but what I see is that a good number of countries had foreseen this war, that’s the case. the United States”.

This is not the first time that Valérie Pécresse has made a remarkable media appearance. Indeed, she has already stepped up to the plate on several sets. Besides, there is an old video which resurfaced which caused controversy where she released a sentence deemed sexist pronounced in front of the cameras of the Petit Journal.

What’s more, Gilles Bouleau had to intervene a few days earlier to calm things down between her and Eric Zemmour. As the debate started to get a little too complicated between the two candidates, the journalist interrupted them and swung: “Eric Zemmour and Valérie Pécresse, I’ll let you talk. Just a word of civility and intelligibility. Interrupt you yes, overlap your voices, no. It’s unintelligible“. It remains to be seen how his next media appearances will go until the first ballot of the presidential elections.

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