Valérie Pécresse raised 1.4 million euros, a week after her call for donations

The Republicans hope to raise 7 million euros as part of this campaign which is to continue for a month.

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After the election campaign, the fundraising campaign. The Valérie Pécresse Funding Association received 1.4 million euros after the appeal for donations launched by the former presidential candidate, learned franceinfo, Monday April 18, from her campaign team, confirming information from Figaro.

On April 11, Valérie Pécresse explained that she was personally indebted to the tune of 5 million euros, for not having reached the threshold of 5% of the votes in the first round. Such a score would have allowed a full reimbursement of the costs incurred in the context of his campaign. “The survival of the Republicans is at stake, and beyond that, the survival of the Republican right”said the candidate after her score of 4.8%.

The Republicans, who have invited their members to make a gesture, hope to collect 7 million euros by mid-May, according to Le Figaro.

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