Valérie Pécresse promises “victory” for her first major campaign speech

The “Victoire” targeted. At the end of a week devoted to consolidating the unity of her political family, Valérie Pécresse held her first major campaign speech on Saturday 11 December, with a projet “radical” mixing order, freedom and “French pride”. “A few weeks ago, we were told buried, divided, lost. But we are back, in order of battle, for the victory”, launched the LR presidential candidate, who has benefited from good polls in recent days.

Valerie Pécresse greeted in a strong tribute her former rivals in the primary Eric Ciotti, Michel Barnier, Xavier Bertrand and Philippe Juvin, to whom she visited one after the other this week. According to her, they “made choices of statesmen” supporting her with “panache, loyalty and friendship”. The candidate has already integrated relatives of her former competitors into her campaign team, announces Le Figaro.

“My project is radical because the situation demands it”, added Valérie Pécresse, who presents herself as “Gaullist, liberal and social”. She held her speech at the Mutualité where she gathered the party executives in the morning. The large meeting initially planned at Porte de Versailles had to be canceled due to the Covid.

In her speech, Valérie Pécresse assured that“there is no question of leaving the future of France in the hands of immobility” by Emmanuel Macron, who “reformed so little and spent so much”. Or “of the extremism which feeds on our problems without wanting or being able to solve them”, she added in allusion to far-right candidates Eric Zemmour or Marine Le Pen.

Setting the goal of “to restore France in five years and within 10 years to make it the leading European power”, she launched the main lines of her program by pleading for the “freedom”. “We will leave the power to companies to go out of the 35 hours” and “we will fight so that work pays more”, she assured, pleading to raise the retirement age to 65 and reduce the taxation of inheritance.

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