Valérie Pécresse promises meetings with a gauge and control of the health pass

Traveling to Nantes on Thursday, the LR presidential candidate spoke out against confinement of vaccinated people, which would be “unfair” for them.

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LR presidential candidate Valérie Pécresse announced Thursday, December 30 in Nantes that her meetings would be held with gauge and health pass, promising to be “copy”. “If there are gauges for indoor shows, there will be gauges in my meetings”, declared the president of the Ile-de-France region, after a visit to the Nantes police station. “There will also be passes, as in theaters. There will be no exemption”, she assured, accompanied in particular by the finalist of the LR congress, Eric Ciotti.

The presidential candidates are divided on the application in their campaign meetings of the new anti-Covid gauges: the RN, the rebels and the team of Eric Zemmour are opposed to it while the presidential party LREM has announced that it was going to apply them. “I want to do everything to avoid the confinement of the vaccinated: that would seem unfair to them. Everything must be done to avoid a new confinement and I call for vaccination”, also added Valérie Pécresse.

Responding to the attacks of the presidential majority regarding her passivity in the face of the health crisis, Valérie Pécresse said on the contrary “totally proactive”. “The majority may have a short memory. It was I who brought the masks, who took all measures to secure public transport and I am fighting not to close them on the night of December 31”, she assured.

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