Valérie Pécresse, presidential candidate, answers questions from franceinfo listeners

Valérie Pécresse, candidate of the Republicans party in the presidential election was the guest of Franceinfo’s “Presidential Matins” on Monday January 10.

>> Safety, economy, energy … What to remember from the interview with Valérie Pécresse on franceinfo

She spoke in particular on the entry of Guillaume Peltier in the campaign team of Eric Zemmour, his proposals for security but also to fight against violence against women. Valerie Pécresse also answered questions from franceinfo listeners and those from readers of the newspaper Le Parisien-Today in France.

Asked by Félix, who works in the field of education, on the removal of family allowances for parents of delinquent children, Valérie Pécresse replied “to want make dropping out of school one of the main causes of my five-year term“.”My idea is to make tailor-made“, she added, specifying that”The family must be involved in this policy to fight against dropping out“and create a”family council“, for “prevent delinquency“.

Amandine, she wonders about the removal of 35 hours, and its consequences “especially for single-parent families“: Valérie Pécresse pleads for”the freedom to negotiate working time in the company “and” completely renovate family policy by increasing childcare assistance and providing universal family allowances“.

How to effectively fight feminicides, worries for his part Stéphane. The candidate of the Republicans party in the presidential election answers him in proposing “the creation of a specialized justice with the possibility of having protection orders in less than six dayss “, insisting on the training of police officers. Valérie Pécresse ensures that having a woman President of the Republic”will allow more specific attention to the situation of women“.

“Why doesn’t France legalize cannabis, like Germany?”, asks Philippe. “The dealers will not stop, they will continue to deal. We will not dismantle drug trafficking networks with legalization“assured Valérie Pécresse.

“What are you going to do for the purchasing power of retirees?” launches Robert for his part. The LR candidate for the Élysée “hopes that at the end of this reform, there will not be a single retiree who has worked all his life and who receives less of the net minimum wage, because we must live decently from his retirement “, specifying wanting “take purchasing power measures, but not the immediate revaluation of pensions because I don’t have that power“.

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