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Candidate LR reaffirmed her ideas and her determination in front of 7,500 people, advocating French values and identity, especially in the face of faith.
For Valérie Pécresse, it was the meeting of all hopes. The one where she could cleave the armor and restart her campaign. “It seems that happy families have no history. So happy mine was, but with these trials of life that every family must overcome. These trials have reinforced this part of humanity without which there is no no real leader. (…) I am this indomitable French woman”declared the candidate LR.
In front of 7,500 people, Valérie Pécresse addresses the voters of Éric Zemmour who threatens to overtake her in the polls: “I defend French identity, the real one. Against those who want to establish Sharia above our laws, I reaffirm that the law of the Republic is above faith. As President of the Republic, no woman will be submissive. Marianne is not a veiled woman”.
It also details its main measures: 25,000 additional caregivers in the hospital, a 10% salary increase in five years, 15 hours of compulsory weekly activities for RSA recipients. The one we portray as “the good student” and whose meeting is not the favorite exercise, convinced its activists: “today she showed that she has what it takes to become President of the Republic”.
56 days before the first round of the presidential election, the first major meetings are of major importance. But was Valérie Pécresse at the zenith of her Parisian meeting? “She didn’t come out as a great speaker, she knows that. But she finished better than she started, managing to create a link with the activists present”explains journalist Jean-Christophe Galeazzi, on the 23h set of franceinfo. “Basically, we were waiting for his vision of France in the years to come, that was the promise of this meeting”he continues. “The bet is not completely won”.