Valérie Pécresse officially unveils her “break-up” project

The LR candidate defended a “republican right project”, promising “a fairer reconstruction with four commitments” on the power of the country, authority, sustainable prosperity and the social pact.

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Four weeks before the first round, she reveals her program in detail. Valérie Pécresse (LR) officially presented her presidential project on Monday March 14 “a break” and of “reconstruction” (in PDF)presenting him as the only “credible” facing Emmanuel Macron. Candidate LR defended a “republican right project”without much new measure, but promising “a fairer reconstruction with four commitments” on the power of the country, the authority, the sustainable prosperity and the social compact.

In particular, it highlighted, in a summary document, 12 “flagship measures”. Among them, 16,000 recruitments in the justice system, the establishment of immigration quotas, a 10% increase in wages, the return of universal family allowances, the sending of 4,000 doctors to nursing homes… His project promises “twice the savings” (84 billion euros) than expenditure” (42 billion).

The candidate, who is struggling to rise in the polls, where she is in fourth or even fifth place, hammered it home: “I will be the surprise of the second round by the power and credibility of my project.” “If the French want someone they trust to make a real courageous reform project, they must not take the copy, but the original”she added, promising to “do the powerful reforms that the right wanted to do in 2017”.

Wishing “rebuilding lasting prosperity”she warned: “We will have to work more, spend better and less public money”with a pension reform “at 65”, and the elimination of 200,000 civil servant posts. To liberate work, she advocated a “true bouquet of purchasing power” and reiterated its desire for a 10% increase in net salaries up to 2,800 euros per month.

With regard to fuel prices, she wished “that the State undertakes to return all tax revenue surpluses” and an automatic revision of the mileage scales.

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