Valérie Pécresse, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Eric Zemmour… for whom the fallen candidates are calling to vote?

The die is cast ! There are now only two candidates left in the running to gain access to the Élysée Palace. Like five years ago, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen will face each other. The two political figures had better scores compared to 2017. For his part, Emmanuel Macron collected 28.4% of the vote, against 24% in the last election. Marine Le Pen, meanwhile, won 23.4% of the vote this time around.. An increase compared to 2017 since it had obtained 21.3%. Everything will be played out in the coming weeks, but especially this Sunday, April 10. At the end of each first round of the presidential elections, the losing candidates guide the choice of their voters.

As was the case in 2017, Jean-Luc Mélenchon prefers to abstain and not give instructions to his voters. However, during his speech, given this Sunday, April 10 at his HQ, he did not hesitate to tackle Marine Le Pen. “We know who we will never vote for,” he said, repeating several times: “Ms. Le Pen must not be given a single vote! Ms. Le Pen must not be given a single vote! “. Before concluding : “I know your anger. Do not let it come to make you commit errors which would be definitively irreparable.”

The dam against the National Rally seems to be solidifying. Philippe Poutou (NPA) said that “not a voice should go to the far right”, without giving instructions. The Lutte Ouvrière candidate gave no instructions, as did Jean Lassalle. Subsequently, Yannick Jadot, from Europe Ecologie Les Verts, and Fabien Roussel, from the PCF, called for a vote in favor of Emmanuel Macron to counter the far right. With less than 2% of the vote, Anne Hidalgo was the first to speak this Sunday. The socialist gave instructions to vote for the head of state “so that France does not fall into hatred.” Same observation for Valérie Pécresse who will vote Emmanuel Macron to avoid “the disastrous consequences for our country and our future” of a victory for Marine Le Pen.

What about Marine Le Pen?

In 2017, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan was one of the few to call to vote for Marine Le Pen in the second round of the presidential election. Five years later, the candidate of Debout La France asks his voters to support the candidate of the National Rally. As for Eric Zemmour, who came in 5th place, he also called on his voters to vote for Marion Maréchal’s aunt.

See also: Emmanuel and Brigitte separate…

Helene Bardeau

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