Valérie Pécresse has “practically” repaid her debt of 5 million euros

The president of the Les Républicains party announced it at the microphone of RTL radio.

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“The financial situation of my campaign is now critical. The Republicans cannot meet these expenses. I am personally in debt to the tune of five million euros”. In the aftermath of the first round of the presidential election, during which her candidacy had not reached the 5% necessary to see her campaign expenses reimbursed, Valérie Pécresse launched an appeal for donations to get her finances back on track. Invited on Thursday May 26 by RTL, the president of the Les Républicains party announced that his former candidate was about to repay this debt thanks to donations from activists.

>> Presidential 2022: why Valérie Pécresse finds herself with a personal debt of five million euros linked to her campaign

“I think it’s closed, it’s almost closed, almost closed”, assured Christian Jacob at the microphone of the radio. According to him, Valérie Pécresse “practically” reached the sum of 5 million euros by May 31, the deadline for the reimbursement of campaign expenses.

Quoted by The ParisianValérie Pécresse’s campaign treasurer Philippe Mouiller specifies that“about 3 million euros” of the amount collected comes from donations made by sympathizers. The president of the Ile-de-France region also benefited from a “extra support from LR”, approximately 1.7 million euros. Approximately “300,000 euros”would miss, according to him, a few days before the deadline.

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