Valérie Pécresse furious about the interview with Emmanuel Macron



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Emmanuel Macron will give an interview on Wednesday December 15 on TF1. To appear on television the same day and at the same time, Valérie Pécresse had to angrily cancel his TV appearance. Caroline Motte, journalist in the political service of France Televisions, est on the plateau of 11 p.m. to analyze this situation.

Valérie Pécresse is very unhappy with Emmanuel Macron. The President of the Republic will give an interview, Wednesday, December 15 on TF1, or LR candidate also had to be on TV at the same time and had to cancel. The entourage of Valerie Pécresse believes that this is no accident. The president of the Île-de-France region and presidential candidate of 2022 has decided to seize the CSA.

Valerie Pécresse asks that the CSA count down Emmanuel Macron’s speaking time in order to respect the “democratic fair play“. She believes that the President of the Republic should be treated like all presidential candidates, although he is not yet officially a candidate. According to Caroline Motte, the macronie would fear Valerie Pécresse and would seek to destabilize it. The presidential party fears that Valérie Pécresse can bring together a good number of right-wing voters.

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