Valérie Pécresse focuses her campaign on security and seeks to close the gap with Emmanuel Macron

The Les Républicains candidate will resume traveling on the ground with a strategy in mind: show the current limits of the executive on sovereign themes.

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Safety, more than ever a right marker. And Valérie Pécresse wants to make it her trademark. After unveiling her HQ and campaign team on Tuesday, January 4, the candidate Les Républicains will be in the Bouches-du-Rhône on Thursday to praise her proposals. His credo: more resources for law enforcement and justice. “We must break with ten years of laxity and the culture of excuses”, she writes in her program. To illustrate this priority, she will go to Cavaillon and Salon de Provence, “medium-sized towns which were peaceful but which suffer more and more from insecurity”, according to one of his advisers.

Valérie Pécresse tries to narrow her gap with Emmanuel Macron. The LR candidate still benefits from her momentum at the Les Républicains congress, but recent polls still place her very far behind Emmanuel Macron. She is even rather neck-to-neck with Marine Le Pen, hence this strategy of Valérie Pécresse to set up a match. “Today there are two government candidates: the President of the Republic and me”, she hammered Tuesday night on the set of the show “C à Vous”.

The LR candidate is placed head-on against Emmanuel Macron and her trip on Thursday goes in this direction: to show the limits of the Elysee Palace currently on security. In private recently, an important minister feared precisely this strategy. “We are weak on the regal, he confided. This is what can hurt the president. Our adversaries will exploit this weakness. ” Clearly, there we are.

What response from the Macron camp against Valérie Pécresse? It is still weak. For now, the macronie has not found an effective answer. Bruno Le Maire, himself, affirms that there is no difference between Emmanuel Macron and Valérie Pécresse. It is a line that was used a lot during the LR primary but which now divides around the President of the Republic. “It’s the best way to lose right-wing voters”, an adviser alarmed. Macronie is still fumbling: currently, one of the attacks is on Valérie Pécresse’s proposal to massively reduce the number of civil servants, without too much success.

But Emmanuel Macron’s little sentences on the unvaccinated in The Parisian maybe reshuffle the cards. Will the famous right-wing voters taste the return of scornful little phrases? A relative of Valérie Pécresse explained on Tuesday evening: “Someone who wants to piss off his fellow citizens is not worthy of the presidential office.” Incarnation is probably Valérie Pécresse’s next argument.

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