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Despite their interview on Friday February 11, the candidate LR and the former President of the Republic are not yet united.
Two days before a crucial meeting for Valérie Pécresse, does she really need the support of Nicolas Sarkozy? “Yes, because Nicolas Sarkozy remains a symbol of the success of the right, the last to have won the presidential election. He also succeeded in uniting the two main tendencies of the Republicans, namely a progressive and liberal right and a conservative right”explains Jean-Christophe Galeazzi, political journalist, on the 23h set of franceinfo.
In this way, Valérie Pécresse tries to obtain this image of “unifier”. “The problem is that Nicolas Sarkozy knows very well the role he plays within his political family and he likes to be asked. As she has not called on him enough, he is desired”, continues Jean-Christophe Galeazzi. Valérie Pécresse talked about“family time” to define his interview with the former president, but this family could be torn apart: “after the departures towards Eric Zemmour there is a wave of departures towards Macron, with Eric Woerth, Natacha Bouchart, blows to take for the candidate LR”.