Valérie Pécresse contaminated by COVID, refuses to cancel!

Good and bad news today. After his passage in Facing Baba on C8, this Wednesday, March 23, the Republican candidate, Valérie Pécresse, announced that she had tested positive for Covid-19. This demonstrates that the pandemic is far from over and that many people continue to be affected by the virus.

“Tested positive for #COVID, I am continuing the campaign remotely and in compliance with health rules. All our meetings are maintained thanks to the mobilization of the team”, she wrote via her Twitter account. Something to boost the morale of his troops and supporters. The LR candidate knows very well that by taking a break in her campaign, when she is already entangled in the very bad polls, this could have definitively put an end to her candidacy and laid down her arms even before the first round.

Still there despite everything

Something she probably forbade herself to show how much she could unite and be strong in this difficult power struggle. Valérie Pécresse being so motivated that she would have even refused to cancel her visit to the Élysée 2022 show. Baba this Wednesday, March 23 would not be physically present. However, she assured that she could debate with journalists, as our colleagues from the Parisian.

But it will indeed only be in front of the journalists that the candidate will be able to exchange. While a debate was planned on the France 2 broadcast, candidate LR will not be able to honor it. There is no doubt that her opponents will use this “cancellation” against her during the next debates. And in particular his second-round rival in the event that Valérie Pécresse reaches this level of the 2022 presidential election.

See also: Maître Gims: His surprising collaboration with… Valérie Pécresse


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