Valérie Pécresse collected 2.5 million euros in donations, according to Christian Jacob

The president of the Les Républicains party, Christian Jacob, explained that the political formation would bring eight million euros to reimburse the campaign of the ex-candidate.

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Valérie Pécresse collected “about 2.5 million donations” to fill the five million hole left by his defeat in the presidential election, said Sunday, May 1 Christian Jacob, the president of the Les Républicains (LR) party. “The party will bring eight million euros for a campaign that had cost 15 million”said Christian Jacob on RTL, Le Figaro and LCI, judging that this call for donations from the candidate had been “understood by many French people”.

The ex-candidate LR had relaunched his appeal on Monday, invoking “those who share (his) convictions” but also those who “for fear of the extremes have chosen the useful vote from the first round”.

Valérie Pécresse had collected only 4.78% of the votes in the first round of the presidential election, under the 5% necessary to obtain reimbursement of her campaign expenses for which she “personally indebted to the tune of five million euros”.

According to data published in early March by the High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life (HATVP), his assets amounted to 9.7 million euros at the start of the campaign. Among these assets were nearly 6.5 million euros in life insurance, retirement savings plan, stock options, shares, current accounts and various savings products shared with her husband, an executive at General Electric.

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