Valérie Pécresse changes her tone in the Alpes-Maritimes


Article written by

A. Peyrout, J. Nény, F. Simoes, E. Marot, R. Laurentin – France 3

France Televisions

Valérie Pécresse held a meeting on Friday February 18 in the Alpes-Maritimes. The Republican candidate addressed her activists without a note or teleprompter. Has she succeeded in convincing her future voters?

New style for a new campaign: Friday February 18 in Cannet (Alpes-Maritimes), Valérie Pécresse strolled on the stage, in front of an audience, without a teleprompter and without a desk. The contrast is striking with the images of the candidate, alone and a little rigid, the previous week at the Zenith in Paris. Criticized on her performance, she has since accused a drop in the polls. But she assures him, she does not intend to abandon ship.

Change in tone too. Last week, Valerie Pécresse took up the words of Éric Zemmour and Marine Le Pen. She accuses them today of serving the head of state. Objective of the sequence: turn the page on a somewhat complicated start to the year for the Republicans, and sound the recall of the troops. Unsurprisingly, the activists say they are convinced, even if they admit to being reassured by this new style of their candidate. The challenge of the next few days for the candidate from the right: reverse the dynamic to hope to reach the second round.

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