Valérie Pécresse bets on a united right


France 3

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After meeting Éric Ciotti and Michel Barnier, Valérie Pécresse went on Friday December 10 to the lands of Xavier Bertrand, in Hauts-de-France. France 3 journalist Julien Nény was found in Lille to report on this visit.

More than ever, the right wants to show itself united. “It is indeed the end of a very political first week for Valérie Pécresse who especially wants to avoid reproducing the same mistakes of François Fillon in 2016, in the primary of the right“, announces the journalist Julien Nény, present in Lille (North) Friday, December 10. The latter recalls that François Fillon had not known, or not been able to bring together his former rivals, Nicolas Sarkozy and Alain Juppé. Valérie Pécresse, after his breakthrough in the LR primary, wants to do the opposite by cajoling his former competitors, showing off with them or associating them with his campaign team.

Since the start of the week, despite some initial clashes with Eric Ciotti, “the right seems to be in working order behind its candidate LR“, notes the journalist Julien Nény. The proof again during the morning with Xavier Bertrand who, despite his disappointment, confirmed his commitment”thoroughly into the countryside of Valérie Pécresse“The unity of the right, an essential condition if it wishes to return to power ten years later, concludes the journalist.

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