Valérie Pécresse back after the heavy defeat: her secret to finding a new breath

In fact, a few days ago The world revealed that Valérie Pécresse had a nice parenthesis after the defeat. “Her husband and children offered her a stay in a luxurious fitness center. Outside treatment hours, she rarely leaves her room, from where she calls her collaborators to follow the progress of the ‘Pécressethon’. She makes a brief appearance by video at the start of a meeting of the LR group of the regional council, to thank the elected officials for having released 50,000 euros to help her finance the campaign.“, we learned then.

On April 10, Valérie Pécresse had obtained only 4.78% of the votes, under the 5% necessary to obtain reimbursement of her campaign expenses for which she personally indebted up to five million euros. The appeal for donations that it launched to fill this hole, which was to be interrupted on Monday, has been extended until May 31, with the objective of raising the missing million euros, the sums promised up to now reaching 4 million, according to his entourage. Nicolas Sarkozy tried to participate in this appeal for donations, but Valérie Pécresse refused the money from the former President of the Republic…

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