Valérie Pécresse appointed candidate of the Republicans by the members


France 2

Article written by

T. Curtet, M. Félix, SM Auvray, A. Brodin – France 2

France Televisions

Saturday December 4, in the second round of the Congress of Republicans, Valérie Pécresse defeated Eric Ciotti with more than 60% of the vote. The former minister of Nicolas Sarkozy is now campaigning for the Elysee.

The result fell in the early afternoon, Saturday December 4: Valérie Pécresse was nominated as the Republican candidate for the 2022 presidential election by the members, beating Eric Ciotti in the second round of the party’s Congress. “For the first time in its history, the party of General de Gaulle, Georges Pompidou, Nicolas Sarkozy, our political family, will have a candidate for the presidential election”, was enthusiastic the latter after the official announcement.

In 2004, she was a young Member of Parliament and called for “female role models are successful in politics”. She will be appointed Minister of Higher Education in 2007 and of the Budget in 2011 by Nicolas Sarkozy. As a liberal assumed, Valérie Pécresse was already the first woman to lead the Île-de-France region in 2015. Born in Neuilly-sur-Seine (Hauts-de-Seine), and graduated from HEC and ENA, her detractors evoke an image of bourgeois. But she knows the workings of the Élysée well, since she was Jacques Chirac’s adviser on Internet issues.

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