Valérie Pécresse accuses Emmanuel Macron of plagiarizing his program

“Who says counterfeit says bad copy.” Very rebound, Valérie Pécresse crushed, Thursday, March 17, the borrowings of Emmanuel Macron from his own presidential project. He “presented us with a project of denial and counterfeiting”said candidate LR during a public meeting in Nîmes (Gard), reacting to the presentation of her program by the outgoing president.

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Taking up point by point several proposals presented in the afternoon for four hours by its competitor, she wondered: “Who said that the RSA needed a work counterparty? It’s us.” The president-candidate wishes to impose between 15 and 20 hours of work on the beneficiaries and Valérie Pécresse 15 hours.

on energy, “Who talked about nuclear again? It’s us”she added, accusing the president, who like her wants to build six EPRs, of having “closed Fessenheim”. As for retirement at age 65, “Would he have had the courage to say it if I hadn’t said it before?”

Referring Emmanuel Macron to his balance sheet which “is his ball”she quipped: “He explained to us that Macron candidate was going to do the opposite of what President Macron had done.” After unveiling his project, “Will he have the courage to do it? That’s another matter.”

Because the candidate, very late in the polls which place her 4th or 5th, wants to instil this idea: “The courage to do it is us, it is us who are going to make these reforms and it is us who are going to win this election.”

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