Valérie Mairesse, former companion of Thierry Lhermitte: “I had an abortion of him in Holland”

Before welcoming her daughter Tina, her son Elliot, then her granddaughter Scarlett, Valérie Mairesse experienced her very first love affair with Thierry Lhermitte. We are then at the beginning of the 1970s and the one who made her debut as an actress in Paris, within the troupe of splendid, at 19 years old. It is there that she meets her first love.

I had the character of a kid with a provocative body. I liked a lot, had she remembered from Gala, in 2015. When Thierry Lhermitte met me, he confided to Gérard Jugnot: ‘I have just met the most beautiful woman in the world.’ Gérard, when he passed me next, said he was a little disappointed. I replied: ‘No problem, I prefer to please Thierry than you. ‘”She added:”I found Thierry almost a little too nice. Young girl, I was a bit bitchy. “

The romance between Valérie Mairesse and Thierry Lhermitte lasted nearly three years. But this romance was marked by a delicate ordeal: pregnant with her companion, the actress was forced to leave for Holland to have an abortion, “because it was forbidden in France“. Let us recall that the voluntary termination of pregnancy was legalized in 1975 thanks to the Veil law.

Valérie Mairesse had already mentioned this relationship in her autobiography When I grow up, I’ll be an American actress, published in 2009: “This is my first great love story, I had no reason not to mention it. It lasted three years and we lived together right away. With the rest of the troop, we built Le Splendid. We made people laugh, it was great.“Book in which she had also returned to her departure from the troop, which would have been precipitated by her friend, Marie-Anne Chazel.

A romantic and professional breakup

Her relationship with Popeye and the Splendid ended, Valérie Mairesse began her film career with a first major role in the film. One sings, the other does not, by Agnès Varda. In 1987, the actress gave birth to her first child: a girl named Tina, born from her relationship with François, a show manager. From another relationship, Elliot was born in 1994. Laurent Ruquier’s sidekick in the Big heads is now a grandmother since her daughter Tina gave birth to a little Scarlett in 2014.

For his part, Thierry Lhermitte has shared Hélène Aubert’s life since the mid-1970s. Together, they had three children: Astrée (in 1975), Victor (in 1979) and Louise (in 1993).

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