Like Gabriel Attal and Gérald Darmanin before her, the candidate strongly attacked the National Rally. Marine Le Pen’s party “claims to defend our values morning, noon and evening, but at the first shock of history, they are the first to sink into submission”, she said.
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The European election campaign has kicked off. The head of the list of the presidential camp in the European elections, Valérie Hayer, called on Saturday March 9, during the launch of her campaign in Lille for a “startle”For “thwart the worst-case scenario” and strengthen Europe “in the face of those who want to destroy him”.
“Within three months, between now and June 9, we need a start,” for the European elections “the most important in our history”said the 37-year-old candidate, speaking at the close of the majority meeting at the Grand Palais in Lille.
“There will be on one side those who believe in Europe and on the other those who do not believe in it (…) In three months, we will have the choice: act or suffer, strengthen our Europe or abdicate in the face of those who want to destroy it, fight or give up in the face of those who want to intimidate us”she emphasized.
Gabriel Attal castigates the “vast deception” of the “Le Pen clan”
Valérie Hayer strongly attacked the National Rally. Marine Le Pen’s party “claims to defend our values morning, noon and evening, but at the first shock of history, they are the first to sink into submission”, she said, promising to “fight against the entry and entry of Putin’s friends into the European Parliament”.
Before her, Gabriel Attal also castigated the “vast deception” of “Le Pen clan” whose votes in the European Parliament are “a litany of betrayals against the interests of the French”. “They have always said no to Europe. The only difference now is that they hide it a little and the no has turned into no”launched the Prime Minister, after accusing the RN of proximity to Vladimir Putin.
“The record of the Le Pen clan is 40 years of European Parliament, 40 years of mandate allowances, 40 years of ghosts in the corridors of Brussels and Strasbourg”, he insisted, regarding Jean-Marie Le Pen and his daughter Marine.