Valérie Damidot thinned by 14 kilos: her intimate life with her companion Régis unchanged!

For a little over ten years, Valérie Damidot made the heyday of M6. The host presented D&CO, where she helped families to redecorate the interior of their house or apartment. The show quickly made it popular with the general public after several years of struggle. Indeed, before experiencing success, Valérie Damidot struggled to find a place for herself in the audiovisual world, in particular because of her weight. “They put me in the mouth. When I started on TV, I had journalists with exceptional questions that we would no longer ask today. For example, I had a guy who said to me: How does it feel to make a TV prime with a radio physique?“, she revealed during an interview for published this Friday, April 15, 2022.

Harsh and tactless remarks but which have no consequences on what she thinks of her. “I don’t have this thing about feeling ugly in my body. I go to the beach, I go to the swimming pool. I accepted my body and I love it“, she still assured. Whoever loves his body as it is, it is above all his companion Régis Viogeat with whom she has been in a relationship for 20 years. “My boyfriend when he met me, I was overweight, he loved me“, she insisted on pointing out, adding that he had “took the package“.

It is therefore neither for him nor according to the dictates of thinness that Valérie Damidot decided to follow the WW (Weight Watchers) program. The one who plays in the theater with Valérie Damidot exposes herself cared more about her health and the idea of ​​gaining energy. She is therefore quite proud of having relieved of 14 kilos by rebalancing their lifestyle. But never mind, “it didn’t change (her) intimate life with (her) boyfriend“.

If everything goes well on all points with Régis, there is no question of marrying her! “Because the organization is crazy! And the wheat it costs, it’s crazy! I prefer to put my money elsewhere and have a méchoui in my garden with my friends“, she explained bluntly in the pages of Audience. The couple did not have children either even if they raised together those of Valérie Damidot born from a previous relationship, norman (26 years old) and Roxane (28 years). “For them, Régis is their father“, she confided.

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