Valérie Bonneton as a couple: secrets about Edouard, his childhood love found

We know her as an irresistible actress, we now discover her as a talented novelist. Valérie Bonneton publishes the autobiographical book mom to me published by J.-C. Lattès. The artist chose to tell his story through the point of view of his pet, a Maltese bichon named Gaston. A way to take some distance and tell the intimate and the lived in an original way. Le Figaro has signed a delightful portrait of the actress that we have been tearing up since she burst the screen in the series Do not do this, do not do that. During her meeting with the journalist Léna Lutaud, she confides in particular on her love life and the one with whom she shares her life.

A talented actress since day one, Valérie Bonneton first observed the success of others, starting with that of her ex François Cluzet, father of her children Joseph, born in 2001, and Marguerite (2006). During the promotion of Small Handkerchiefs in 2010, the couple turns out to be separated and then she appeared single and well in her sneakers. But for a few years, she is no longer a heart to take and in Le Figaroshe says more about her couple: “eShe has rebuilt her life between Paris and Trouville alongside Edouard, her childhood sweetheart.” The incredible Fabienne Lepic adds some details: “We were together from 16 to 22 years old. It was he who went to get the papers to enroll me at the Conservatoire. It was with his family that I discovered literature, cinema and music. I wanted to look like them.”

Already in Release in 2017, we learned that his heart was taken by this man: “She bought a house near Trouville. She reunited with her childhood sweetheart, a real estate agent.“A discreet couple whose ties are rooted in the childhood of the artist from the North. It is therefore a beautiful blended family in which the children of the stars Bonneton and Cluzet grow up. The latter is remarried to Narjiss Slaoui-Falcoz since 2011 and since then, too, the perfect love.

mom to me by Valérie Bonneton published by J.-C. Lattès, in bookstores from September 14, 2022

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