Valentin (Love is in the meadow) as a couple: Reconciliation outside the cameras and first kiss

The 28-year-old edible flower grower, who hails from Brittany, was finally back in the episode of Love is in the meadow 2021 November 1. It’s with Charley (30 years old, dentist), one of his favorites, and Natacha (a 27-year-old pastry chef), who was found Valentine, at work. Had the great shy man finally lowered his barriers?

Valentin had rented a lodging to accommodate his suitors. But he cared about them show his house. However, he had forgotten a few details that were important. Upon entering a room, Charley and Natacha discovered naked women posters. And, in his room, a thong was hanging on a deer’s head. “I had completely forgotten that one“, he simply launched very embarrassed.

To make people forget this oddity, he took the two women to a pastry shop, then to the beach. And very soon it is one-on-one with Charley. The latter let him know that according to her, everything was going well and that she liked everything. “I find you faithful to your portrait and so much the better, that’s what I’m looking for“, she confided. He was thus reassured to see that the young woman was not disappointed but, at no time, he did not tell him of his preference for her. During this time, Natacha was swimming in doubt and could not hold back her tears faced with so many uncertainties. So she has tried to know more and the latter did not dare to confess what he was thinking despite the many questions from his suitor. But the young woman felt that he was “cold and distant “. Blame it on “headaches“from Natacha.

Valentin then introduced his two suitors to friends and her daddy Loïc. Like his son, the latter had a preference for Charley. This evening was the opportunity for the farmer to make it clear to the latter that he liked it and that he had fallen in love. However, he waited until the cameras were far away to get closer to her. a first kiss was therefore exchanged early in the morning, in complete privacy. A moment that they really appreciated. Valentin therefore had no other choice but to tell the truth to Natacha, who again burst into tears.

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