Valentin Léonard: His couple with Rachel Legrain-Trapani affected by the critics? His painful confidences

Rachel Legrain-Trapani and Valentine Leonard agreed to fly to Sri Lanka to participate in Beijing Express, shock duos. The couple faced other personalities in order to raise money for the Accolade association, which improves the care of children with cancer and their families. On the spot, Miss France 2007 and her companion lived an incredible adventure. But broadcasting was another story for the latter.

From the first episode, Valentin Léonard had to face virulent comments on social networks. Internet users criticized him for his behavior towards his companion, with whom he experienced many tensions. He therefore had a bad experience of the broadcast of the episodes as he confided during an interview for our colleagues from TV Star. “I didn’t realize it because I had no perspective on what I was saying. I’m not necessarily proud of my reactions and the way I speak. After that, I’m not like that, I don’t think I’m a bad person for people who know me. But it’s true that when I am in competition or in a stressful situation, I find it difficult to manage my reactions“, first confided the charming 33-year-old brown.

I even received comments about my son

Valentin Léonard admitted that he was very angry with Rachel Legrain-Trapani throughout the adventure. And when he saw his reactions on TV, he didn’t live it”not necessarily good“.”But from there to receiving insults… It doesn’t bother me, I’m mentally strong, but when I see my loved ones it’s different. I called my mom after the final, she was in tears and I can tell you it’s weird. I even received comments about my son [Andrea, 2 ans, NDLR]…it goes a long way. Whereas we did the adventure for the adventure itself, it wasn’t for the money, not for the fame… It was to give our all for the association.“, he continued.

The broadcast has at least “assistance in [ses] reactions“. On the other hand, it seems to be more difficult for Rachel Legrain-Trapani who regularly receives “messages to tell her that her boyfriend is an asshole, that her boyfriend is toxic“.”That’s not necessarily going to help…“, he regretted. Valentin Léonard then did not hide that he was a little disappointed” assembly of the show that centered their adventure “on 90% disputes and 10% positive“. It is for this reason that he did not wish to watch the final broadcast on Wednesday August 10 (during which they lost to Inès Reg and her sister Anaïs). “I just wanted to watch the end, and even the end I found that in terms of images, on our side, it was much less intense than what we experienced, and I find that a shame. I don’t really understand either why the final event where we won was not shown, we won hands down and we were super good and super united“, he concluded.

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