Val-de-Marne: residents confined after an ammonia leak in Maisons-Alfort


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

P. Mauger, M. Lampageu, M. Tafnil, N. Jauson – France 3

France Televisions

A major ammonia leak occurred on the night of April 6 to 7 in Maisons-Alfort, in Val-de-Marne. Two people were slightly injured. As a precaution, residents have been asked to stay at home.

Since April 6, the perimeter has been cordoned off by the police. In question, two leaks probably caused by welding work in an ammonia tank in Maisons-Alfort (Val-de-Marne). It was when they woke up, on the morning of April 7, that the residents heard the news. The accident occurred the day before around 6 p.m. in a factory specializing in the manufacture of nutritional yeast.

500 residents urged to stay at home

Two workers were poisoned while working on a 400m3 tank containing ammonia, an irritant that can cause breathing difficulties, among other things. They were hospitalized in relative emergency. Four schools, a nursery and several public establishments did not open this morning. 500 inhabitants of the area are invited to stay at home on the recommendation of the prefecture. According to the firefighters, the toxicity measurements noted remain below the danger thresholds.

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