Vahid Halilhodzic “threatened with death” after Morocco’s elimination, but determined to qualify the country for the World Cup in Qatar

“My first objective is to qualify my team and if I can’t do that, I can leave”, assured Halilhodzic during a press conference, Thursday, February 3, at the Mohammed VI complex, in Maâmora. Very dejected after the elimination against Egypt, the coach remains convinced that the future can smile on him.

“I can leave now if you want, I have no pressure to leave or not. I have already left in the past”insisted the Franco-Bosnian coach. “Let me keep doing my best to get to the World Cup. That’s my goal!”he pleaded.

The Atlas Lions are set to face the Democratic Republic of Congo in the play-offs next month to qualify for the World Cup in Qatar, scheduled for November 21-December 18, 2022.

Morocco was eliminated at the gates of the CAN semi-finals on Sunday by Egypt (1-2) after a rough match which continued in the corridors leading to the locker room.

“The Egyptians were smarter, more vicious, but brawlers, it’s not worthy in my opinion”lamented Halilhodzic, who said to himself “dismayed” by the behavior of some Pharaohs players. On Wednesday, the Confederation of African Football (CAF) suspended several Egyptian and Moroccan players and executives for a general fight after the match.

I saw a lot of people screaming, there were insults. We have appealed (CAF sanctions)”said the coach of Morocco, attributing the defeat of his team to a “lack of experience”.

The coach also said he received “death threats” after the failure of the Moroccans: “I’m used to it as a coach, but I also get encouragement, it makes me feel good.”

Asked about his choice to dismiss high-level players, including Hakim Ziyech, Chelsea attacking midfielder, and Noussair Mazraoui, Vahid Halilhodzic justified his choice not to select them by accusing them of a lack of respect. “I can’t call a player who can blow up the group, even if his name is Lionel Messi”he argued.

“Aimé Jacquet, Didier Deschamps became world champions by dismissing the best players. I am not the first to do this”concluded the coach. The message is clear: Vahid Halilhodzic intends to remain at the helm of Morocco.

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