Vagina that has “quadrupled in size” and transformed into “purple and blue color”… the hell experienced by this reality TV star!

Giving birth to a child is not easy as pie… far from it. More and more people are suffering from infertility, both men and mostly women. And it is unfortunately not Elsa Dasc who will say the opposite. The former candidate princes of love, in a relationship and happy for several years with Arthur, wants to become a mother but life has decided otherwise for the moment… Last August, she also appeared on a hospital bed to discuss her health problems and the operation which she had just received after learning that she had an inflammation of the tubes. Following this, a doctor offers to remove his tubes to then do IVF and be “pregnant next month”.

But after a second medical opinion, another doctor believes that Elsa Dasc is still too young to undergo such an operation and offers her hysteroscopy laparoscopy. An intervention that aims to unclog the tubes. The young woman then left for four hours of surgery and learned when she woke up that she was actually suffering from superficial endometriosis. She feels no pain after the operation until the evening during which she experiences a real ordeal.

Hell to become a mom

After loss of consciousness, inability to get up, large bruises, and difficulty eating, the former candidate for princes of love then decides, with her companion, to go to the emergency room and learns that she is having internal bleeding. Fortunately, the medical profession took matters into their own hands and operated on him a second time. If the health of the one who was tackled by Hugo Clément is getting better today, the young woman has still had huge consequences from her time on the pool table, as she revealed in a recent video published on Youtube.

“I have big bruises all over my body, but also, my vagina has quadrupled in size”she said in particular before revealing shocking information: “Yes, yes, yes. It turned into a purple, blue color. Like a big bruise. It’s very ugly to see”. Now Elsa Dasc will start the process again and do everything to become a mother “with the natural method”.

See also: Valentine’s Day 2017: glam’ make-up tutorial with Elsa from the Princes of Love 4!


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