Vaccine passport expired | John Malkovich deprived of a palace in Venice

(Rome) American actor John Malkovich, whose vaccination passport had expired, was refused access to the suite he had reserved in a Venetian palace, Italian media reported on Wednesday.

Posted at 10:56 a.m.

According to the local newspaper Il Gazzettino, the 68-year-old star of Dangerous Liaisons, who was in the City of the Doges for two days of filming for the American series Ripley, had to fall back on an apartment and give up the luxury suite he had booked at the famous Hotel Danieli, a stone’s throw from Piazza San Marco.

Contacted by AFP, the hotel declined to comment, citing respect for privacy. The Italian agency ANSA confirmed the information, citing sources within the production.

In Italy, a valid vaccination passport, which is obtained at the end of a complete vaccination cycle or post-COVID-19 recovery in the previous six months, is essential to access hotels and restaurants as well as public transport.

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