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What do the French think of Emmanuel Macron’s words? Beyond the political storm they caused, the journalists of France 3 gave the floor to the inhabitants of Orleans, Wednesday January 5.
At a interview, Emmanuel Macron declared “want to piss off the unvaccinated“. In Orleans (Loiret), city where many voters voted for Emmanuel Macron, the words are difficult to pass. “I thought he was more literate (…) and then I think we have to respect everyone’s decisions“, judge an Orléanaise. “I was not supposed to go and vote, but in the end, I’m going to go and vote. I’m mad, retorts a passerby. Nonetheless, some applaud the president’s honesty.
When questioned, a man admits not being vaccinated, and it is not the president’s words that will change his mind. But at the Orleans hospital, there are only three beds available in the intensive care unit. The medical staff is thus very clear: according to him, he need more firmness on vaccination.