Vaccine pass, Eric Zemmour, state “racket” … Jordan Bardella’s 8:30 am franceinfo

Jordan Bardella, president of the National Rally, was the guest of 8:30 a.m. franceinfo Monday January 17, 2022.

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Jordan Bardella, President of the National Rally, was the guest of 8:30 franceinfo was the guest of 8:30 franceinfo monday 17 January 2022. He was responding to S.alhia BRakhlia and Marc Fauvelle.

Vaccination pass: “A useless political measure”

The bill on the vaccine pass adopted definitively on Sunday evening is a “political measure and not a health measure“said Jordan Bardella on franceinfo. “The vaccination pass is useless” and he “will be deleted“if the National Rally “comes to power”, he assures.

The state “racket” on energy products

The government is tax extorting all of our fellow citizens on all these energy products“, accuses the president of the RN on franceinfo while the State is using EDF to limit the rise in electricity prices. “The government breaks the leg of the French on the purchasing power and comes to bring them a crutch” according to him.

“We still have a little work to convince the French”

According to the annual RN image barometer produced by Kantar Public for franceinfo and Le Monde, published on Monday, January 17, 50% of French people think that the candidate of the National Rally (RN) for the presidential election is a “danger to democracy ” : it is “may be” because of the “caricatures that have been made of us for years“, estimated Jordan Bardella on franceinfo. Before admitting to having “still a little work to convince the French“.

Disabled at school: Éric Zemmour, the “lourdingue”

Asked about Eric Zemmour’s comments about disabled children, Jordan Bardella did not mince his words towards the Reconquest candidate! : “There is a slightly clumsy side at Éric Zemmour, and I say this with respect, wanting to argue about everything. Even disability is a controversial subject“, he added. “You can’t want to be President of the Republic and at the same time spend your time wanting to divide all the time, always, the French between them“, insisted the MEP RN.

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