Vaccination | The third dose now available as soon as symptoms end

Quebecers who have contracted COVID-19 will now be able to obtain their third dose “as soon as their disease is resolved”, that is to say as soon as the symptoms end, the government announced on Wednesday, saying it was based on a recommendation from Public Health.

Posted at 12:05 p.m.

Henri Ouellette-Vézina

Henri Ouellette-Vézina

“In the current epidemiological context, it is recommended that all those who wish, including those who have had COVID-19 recently, be able to obtain a booster dose against COVID-19 as soon as possible. The booster dose offers better protection against the Omicron variant, ”the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS) indicated in a press release issued in the morning.

Quebec nevertheless specifies that the three-month interval, which must have elapsed between the second and the third dose, is maintained.

Incidentally, the MSSS also indicates “when the entire population has had the opportunity to receive its booster dose, the adequately protected status for the vaccination passport will increase to three doses”. For the moment, two doses are still sufficient to obtain the passport.

Note: the appointment dates for the third dose are again brought forward. Thus, it will be possible for those 25 and over to make an appointment as of this Thursday. It is already for 35 years and over since Wednesday.

People aged 18 and over will be able to make an appointment online to get a booster dose as of Friday. In other words, all Quebec adults will be able to make an appointment “by the end of the week”, indicate the authorities.

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