Vaccination status unveiled: Lemay-Thivierge attacks La Presse for $ 1.85 million

Claiming to be “deeply shocked, frustrated and saddened” that his unvaccinated status was revealed in the media last fall, Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge claims $ 1.85 million from La Presse, which he accuses of having harmed to his career.

• Read also: Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge loses his contract with Hyundai

• Read also: Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge comments on his vaccination status

“He felt and still feels overwhelmed, embarrassed and humiliated every time his vaccine status is mentioned or commented on in the public square”, we can read in the civil lawsuit filed during the Holidays at the Montreal courthouse .

The actor had caused a lot of talk last September, following the article “Unvaccinated, Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge is getting into trouble”, indicating that he would have been excluded from the production of episodes of District 31 because of his vaccine refusal.

According to Lemay-Thivierge, no contract had yet been signed, and discussions with production had been “postponed”, according to vaccine requirements.

The actor also accuses La Presse of having insinuated that he had asked restaurant owners for “preferential treatment” in order to eat at the table without a vaccination passport, saying instead that they had asked for the policies of these restaurants.

However, as Lemay-Thivierge asserts, La Presse had rather reported that he had “inquired” about the possibility of entering without proof of vaccination.

” Private life “

He also swears to have “never taken a position against health measures”, that he is not an opponent of the vaccine, and that he has never consented to his vaccination status being revealed publicly.

“It is a matter of my private life and whether I am or not, I believe that it does not concern anybody”, added the actor in interview to the Newspaperyesterday, preferring not to say if he was now vaccinated.

In a video published after the report, he assured that he would eventually agree to be inoculated, but that he wanted Medicago, produced in Quebec.

Anyway, the affair had made enough noise for a sketch on Lemay-Thivierge to be broadcast during the last Bye.

A good player, the actor praised the “respectful work” of the production.

“But I still don’t understand why we want to laugh at someone who has lost their job,” he added.

Loss of contracts

Because since the publication of the report, Hyundai Canada has ended its partnership with Lemay-Thivierge.

Others of his contracts have been compromised or terminated, and his business prospects have been met, it says in the lawsuit.

” [Le reportage] was intended and had the effect of discrediting it with the public, exposing it to popular revenge, ”his lawyers said in the court document.

They added that “falsehoods” had been uttered “with the aim of creating a semblance of public interest” and which violated the privacy of their client.

As La Presse claims to have committed no fault in publishing its report, Lemay-Thivierge therefore turned to the courts, demanding $ 1.85 million in compensation.

The case will soon be presented to a judge of the Superior Court of Quebec.

“Overall, with all that people are going through in this pandemic, I am doing well and I wish everyone the best, the most gentleness, love and kindness,” concluded Lemay-Thivierge.

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