Vaccination pass, compulsory vaccination…: the radical position of Christiane Taubira

Boosted by the registrations for the popular primary on the left of which she is one of the participants, the presidential candidate Christiane Taubira expressed her opinion concerning vaccination, during her visit to the set of It’s up to you January 24, 2022. Exit the speech with tweezers on the vaccination that she held last October, she appears pro-compulsory vaccination.

Former Minister of Justice Christiane Taubira explained in It’s up to you that she was for the principle of compulsory vaccination, rather than for the vaccination pass, which came into force this very Monday. “In fact, the vaccination pass is a vaccination obligation. I think that the President of the Republic could have taken the decision of a vaccination obligation. (…) I do not have the advice of the Defense Council, nor of a scientific council, but drawing logic from the decision taken by the President of the Republic, it seems that it would be better to impose the vaccine, so let’s be honest. If it is better to constrain, let us constrain by explaining“, she added to answer the question of the journalist Patrick Cohen.

Variations around the theme

Christiane Taubira fluctuates her opinion on vaccination as the weeks go by. This fall, she had created controversy by not advising Guyanese to get vaccinated, believing that it was not her role. She was accused in December, during a visit to Seine-Saint-Denis, she felt that the government was “in his role when he chooses the vaccination pass and not compulsory vaccination“.

Now, Anne Hidalgo’s competitor wants the message to be clear. “I have never been antivax. I have never stopped saying that the vaccine is the solution that protects us and allows our hospitals to function“, she declared on France Inter. Regarding the vaccination pass, she detailed on the radio antenna her point of view: “The vaccination pass does not pose a problem for me, what poses a problem for me is the fact of entrusting citizens, such as restaurateurs, with checking the identity of their citizens.

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