Vaccination pass: 4 million French people concerned by deactivation, from Tuesday February 15


Article written by

M.Subra-Gomez, M.Arribe, A.Malesson, S.Pichavant, M.Bernouin, L.Sabas – France 2

France Televisions

From Tuesday 15 February, those who have not had their vaccine booster against Covid-19 more than four months after their last injection will lose their vaccination pass. This deadline would concern 4 million French people.

Last day of vaccination against Covid-19Monday, February 14, so as not to lose your health pass. Four million French people are concerned. As of Tuesday 15, you will need to keep your vaccination pass carry out her booster dose four months after the last injection, compared to seven months before. The duration of the certificate of reinstatement will be reduced from six to four months.

Faced with these new rules, some French people came to remind them, reluctantly. “I hope this will be my last dose, and that within four months, the vaccine pass will no longer be in place”says a man. Other French people, doubly vaccinated, have chosen not to take their third dose, and will no longer have access to leisure facilities. People who will do their booster dose once the vaccine pass has been deactivated will have to wait a week before recovering it. The booster dose is not mandatory for adolescents 12 to 17 years old.

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